Other ingredients

In addition to the natural tomato juice we also enrich our products with other tasty and healthy ingredients to prepare our recipes.

Some of them are: beetroot, black carrot, chili, tangerine, ginger, herbs & spices


It grows in the soil, contains numerous nutrients and has a sweet taste. According to legend, goddess Aphrodite used to eat beetroots to maintain her beauty! It is rich in vitamin C, folic acid, magnesium, manganese, potassium and nitrates.  These inorganic nitrogenous substances appear to dilate blood vessels and therefore reduce systolic blood pressure. In addition, these nitrates seem to have a beneficial effect on physical exercise as well. These compounds improve mitochondrial function within the cells. Mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouses of the cell. The red color of the beetroot is due to betalains, phytochemicals with strong anti-inflammatory action. There are research data indicating that betalains can relieve the pain caused by osteoarthritis. Moreover, beetroots contribute to the good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract since they contain lots of natural fibers.

Black carrot:

It is rich in group B and C vitamins, calcium and other trace elements. It contains inulin, which affects cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as a series of biological active ingredients that enhance the function of the heart, the stomach, the intestines and the kidneys. As a result, it is used often in medicinal products. Black carrot is rich in vitamins and minerals, and therefore it is used in the treatment of various diseases. Physicians recommend its use in the fight of obesity, diabetes, influenza viruses and respiratory viral infections, vitamin deficiencies and anemia. It also helps reducing blood pressure, improving visual acuity and fighting various inflammations in the body. 


Its spicy taste is due to a substance called capsaicin. Chili contains significant quantities of b-carotene, which gives it antioxidant properties. A very interesting study showed that eating chili can reduce the risk of prostate cancer through a series of protective effects on these cells. Chili helps maintaining your cardiovascular system in good health. Epidemiological studies have shown that people who eat chili often have lower rates of heart attacks and strokes. Its protective mechanism reduces cholesterol oxidation, thus lessening its harmful effects on blood vessels. What’s more, chili like all spices relieves the respiratory system by reducing the secretion of mucus or by helping removing it when we have a cold. Finally, it increases our body’s thermogenesis (heat generation) increasing fat burning for approximately 20 minutes after their consumption. So, they can contribute to weight regulation in the long run.   It is a good source of vitamin A, B and C since a teaspoon provides us with 5% and 4%, respectively of our daily needs.


Tangerines are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that enhances our immune system, prevents cell damage and oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Tangerines contain folic acid and thiamine. These vitamins have many properties that contribute to the proper functioning of the body, prevent anemia and promote healthy metabolism. Tangerines are rich in antioxidants, which reduce inflammation and avert cell damage caused by free radicals. They contain b-carotene, a pre-cursor of vitamin A usually found in oranges and red fruit. This powerful antioxidant promotes healthy cell growth and glucose metabolism. Hesperidin has an antioxidant effect. Tangerines reduce the risk of cancer. Bioactives and phytonutrients play a significant part to that effect. They promote skin health and healing.


It is known for its antioxidant and immunoregulatory properties. It lowers blood cholesterol levels, regulates blood sugar and has a healing effect. It helps good digestion and fights nausea. It stimulates the body and relieves the symptoms of colds, stomach aches and headaches. It also has antipyretic and antimicrobial action. Many scientists believe that ginger alleviates arthritis. It helps in weight loss. Ginger creates a feeling of fullness, suppresses appetite, has very few calories and upregulates metabolism and makes it burn fat. It improves brain functions. Consuming ginger on a daily basis improves memory and cognitive function by protecting the brain from oxidative stress.


Nature has a powerful arsenal that if used correctly can alleviate a variety of health problems.
The beneficial properties of herbs have been known since Ancient Times and all ancient civilizations used to herbs to treat various ailments.  Even today, if used properly, herbs can provide relief from various health conditions.


The main purpose of spices is to give the meal a special, pleasant and savory taste and aroma. Their use is essential, especially for people following a diet for weight loss, since this way they reduce the fat they add in various recipes. Many of them also have antioxidant properties and replace the various preservatives that are often harmful to human health.
